Thank You Notes…Now More Than Ever

     At first, I thought it was an aberration, just a good friend trying to make life easier for me after a festive birthday dinner. Her tone was firm, leaving no room for even a mouse-squeak of a protest.     “Don’t write me a thank you note; it’s...

Moscow Mitch Hates It When You Call Him That

     In these terrible times we must cling to things that restore joy to our world-weary souls…visiting a waterfall, picking daisies in a meadow with a giggling grandchild, sharing a banana split with a sweetheart, watching Mitch McConnell’s jaw clench til his...

I’m Not the One With the Problem…Or am I?

     My friend shook her head slowly when I asked if she had noticed –then again, how could she not? – Chris Matthews seems to have a stubborn chest cold because he has been coughing a lot more on TV than usual, which, as I reminded her, was already plenty annoying. I...

We’re Not All Bigots in Eastern N.C.

     There’s so much to love about my native Eastern North Carolina. Driving through the sweet “dog tongue” flower-scented countryside to Greenville recently reminded me why the area’s most famous cheerleader– internationally respected...