How Often Do You Think of the Roman Empire? What?!?!

I asked Duh Hubby the other day how often he thinks of the Roman Empire, and he said, “I dunno. Never?” Which is exactly the response I predicted. But turns out he’s the exception. TikTok’s latest stunt isn’t dumb or deadly. All you have to do, ladies, is ask the man...

Three Little Words…If I Can Just Remember Them

After the usual vital signs check at my annual physical, the nurse looked at me with a kind smile. “OK, now I’m going to say three words and I’m going to ask you to recall those three words a little later.” She said the words slowly and distinctly, but they were...

Say Hello to Me…Or Else!

I was sitting around, just feeling like, I dunno, a “listless vessel” when I read that researchers have found if you simply say “Hello” to at least five of your neighbors on a regular basis you will be rewarded with a significant boost in overall wellbeing. According...