by Celia Rivenbark | Jun 22, 2023 | Weekly Column
For a very long time, Duh Hubby and I have dreamed of going to “It-lee.” I have always pronounced it that way and did so on our recent trip until the tour guide literally covered his ears and screamed “Mamma Mia!” repeatedly. Drama queen....
by Celia Rivenbark | Jun 6, 2023 | Weekly Column
The news was a real gut-punch. I’m sure you felt the same. We will always remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we learned…Bed, Bath & Beyond was going out of business. My first thought was admittedly selfish. I should’ve felt empathy for all...
by Celia Rivenbark | Jun 6, 2023 | Weekly Column
Quit picking on U.S. eighth graders for having the lowest scores in history and civics ever. Give ‘em a break. Heck, some of them are working late nights at McDonald’s in Kentucky WITH THEIR YOUNGER SIBLINGS. The recent handwringing about how little eighth graders...
by Celia Rivenbark | Jun 6, 2023 | Weekly Column
There’s an old joke that if men were the ones who got pregnant, they’d be able to get an abortion at a 7-Eleven. I’d go a step further and say they’d also demand a Big Gulp and free taquitos from the “hot” bar before they left. Such is the entitlement of those men who...
by Celia Rivenbark | May 1, 2023 | Weekly Column
“Mr. Thomas! Clarence Thomas! Yes, please have a seat in that last cubicle on the left and our Gold Star Tax Preparer Blanche will be right with you. We’re so happy you have chosen H&R Block!” CT: “Thanks. I meant to come by weeks...
by Celia Rivenbark | Apr 24, 2023 | Weekly Column
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I saw the video of Kid Rock using an assault rifle to blow apart a case of Bud Light. (If you just thought to yourself, “What’s a Kid Rock?” advance 10 spaces and collect my undying admiration.)...